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30737. [[underlined]] Uranidea senticosa [[/underlined]] Rosa Smith (types).

Spokane River, Wash. Ter.

The species will be described in Proc. N. M. vol. v. (mss. rec'd June 19.)

30738-30747. Species from Panama & Cape St. Lucas, collected by Capt. Dow, Xantus and W. Cooper. Among them is the type of [[underlined]] Rhypticus [[/underlined]]xanti (30740).

30748 - 30750. [[underlined]] Squalius montanus, Apocope vulnerata & Squalius taenia [[/underlined]], from Utah Lake- Peter Madsen.

30751 - 30803. A large collection from S. Stearns, Pensacola, including many interesting and some new fishes. [[underlined]] Gobius boleosoma [[/underlined]] Jor. & Gilb., [[underlined]] Ophidium Graellsi [[underlined]] ? Poey, [[underlined]] Exocoetus Hilliams, Chromis enchrysurus [[/underlined]] Jor. & Gilb., [[underlined]] Stenotomus caprinus [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Goode & [[/strikethrough]] Bean, [[underlined]] Mullus barbatus [[/underlined]] var. [[underlined]] auratus [[/underlined]] Jor. & Gilb., [[underlined]] Ioglossus calliurus [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Goode & [[/strikethrough]] Bean (new genus & species), [[underlined]] Apogon maculatus [[/underlined]] and [[/underlined]] Blennius stearnsii [[/underlined]] Jor. & Gilb.