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4. [[double underlined]] Fishes received during the month of June - 1882. [[/double underlined]]

June 1.     Acc. 11496

       Silas Stearns, Pensacola Florida.

Three tanks of alc. fishes, containing many species.
                See catalogue.

June 1.     Acc. 11500

       Prof. D. S. Jordan, Bloomington, Indiana.

Six tanks alc. fishes, collected at Mazatlan by Gilbert; Galveston, Tex. by Jordan and at Pensacola, Fla. by Jordan & Stearns.

June 5.

       E. B. Hodge, Plymouth, N. H.

1 Spec. [[underlined]] Salvelinus fontinalis [[/underlined]] ?

Sent for identification but too rotten to be identified without doubt.