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received from C. C. Leshi in 1880, was properly installed. Many species taken by R. E. Earll & Col. M. McDonald in the southern U.S. in 1880 were identified and tagged. The valuable series of embryonic fishes preserved under the direction of Mr. J. A. Ryder at Quantico and Battery during the season of 1882 was properly tagged and put away.

Some of the noteworthy species overhauled during the month are the following:

30958 Caranx marginata (type) Panama, Capt. Dow.
30959 Oligoplites inornatus " [[ditto for (type)
" [[ditto for Panama,]] " " [[ditto for Capt. Dow.]]
30960 Caranx panamensis " [[ditto for (type)
" [[ditto for Panama,]] " " [[ditto for Capt. Dow.]]
30961 Promicropterus decoratus " [[ditto for (type)
" [[ditto for Panama,]] " " [[ditto for Capt. Dow.]]
31010 Myxus 
" [[ditto for Panama,]] " " [[ditto for Capt. Dow.]]

30971 Characodon furcidens (types) San Lucas, J. Xantus.
30972 Fundulus extensus (type]]  " " [[ditto for San Lucas,]] " " [[ditto for J. Xantus.]]
30973 " [[ditto for Fundulus]] vinctus " [[ditto for (type)]] " " [[ditto for San Lucas,]] " " [[ditto for J. Xantus.]]
30979 Sebastopsis xyris " [[ditto for (type)]] " " [[ditto for San Lucas,]] " " [[ditto for J. Xantus.]]

31003 Finca vulgaris  Potomac R. (Living) T. H. Bean.

31081 Minnilus scepticus (types) Saluda R., S.C. Jordan.