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Nov. 9.  Acc. 12004.  Cat. 32382.

Rec'd Oct. 31' from H. Horan, U. S. Nat. Museum, one salted spec. of [[underlined]] Vomer [[/underlined]].

Nov. 9.  Acc. 12040.  

C. G. Atkins, Bucksport, Me.

Three fresh spec. of Salmon ([[underlined]] Salmo salar [[/underlined]]) from Kenebec River. Cast no. 1008 (♂), 1009 [[symbol for female]].

Nov. 15   Acc. 12056.

Capt. H. C. Chester, U.S.F.C., Washington, D.C.

Four jars alcoholic spec. [[underlined]] Fishes [[/underlined]] from Noank, Conn.

Nov. 16.    Acc. 12048.

Mr. Haller, Port Townsend, W.T. 

One alc. spec. of Shad ([[underlined]] Alosa sapidissima [[/underlined]]) from Puget Sound.

Nov. 17.  Acc. 12076.  Cat. 32884.

Capt. D. E. Collins, Gloucester, Mass. One spec. [[underlined]] Scomber De Kayi [[/underlined]]?