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[[double underlined]] E. W. Nelson[[/double underlined]],[[underlined]]St. Michaels & vicinity, Alaska. [[/underlined]]

[[red underlined]] Accession [[/red underlined]];
[[red underlined]] Catalogue [[/red underlined]] 32821-987.

This includes the major portion of Mr. Nelson's collection of fishes and contains many valuable species.  There is a large series of [[underlined]] Oncorhynchi [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Coregoni,[[/underlined]] and other salmonoids, besides the following:

[[underlined]] Chirolophus polyactocephalus [[/underlined]] (Pall.)  Mr. Nelson obtained the only specimens we have of this blenny.

[[underlined]] Lycodes turnerii [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Anarrhichas lepturus [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Parophrys ischyurus [[/underlined]], from Unalashka, its [[strikethrough]] first [[/strikethrough]] ^most northern record from Alaska.

[[underlined]] Brachyopsis [[/underlined]]   sp.
[[underlined]]  Uranidea [[/underlined]], from mouth of Tananah River.
[[underlined]] Murænoides [[/underlined]], probably a new species.

[[double underlined]] Capt. H. E. Nichols[[/double underlined]], [[underlined]] British Columbia & Alaska. [[/underlined]]
[[red underlined]] Accession [[/red underlined]] 13757;
[[red underlined]] Catalogue [[/red underlined]]

Among numerous species of interest were the two following:

[[underlined]] Delolepis virgatus[[/underlined]]  Bean, the singular

scaled genus of [[underlined]] Cryptacanthidæ [[/underlined]] which Capt. Nichols was the first to discover.

[[underlined]] Prionistius macellus [[/underlined]] Bean, of which we now 

have two examples, both obtained from Capt. Nichols.