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are the following: [[underlined]] Cottus scorpioides, Cyclopterus spinosus, Stichaeus punctatus [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Somniosus microcephalus. [[/underlined]]

Prof. D. S. Jordan, Bloomington, Indiana.
Acc. 13981. Cat. 34351-34373.

This is a collection of Venetian fishes containing twenty-three species.

Daniel Kelleher, New Bedford, Mass.
Acc. 14058. Cat. 34380.

A stuffed skin of [[underlined]] Conger [[/underlined]], sixty-five inches long.

South Side Club, Oakdale, L.I.
Acc. 14060. Cat. 34382.

A fresh specimen of the Rainbow Trout, [[underlined]] Salmo irideus [[/underlined]], which was reared in the ponds of the Club and shows remarkable growth of the species since its introduction there by the United States Fish Commission.