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such a size as will insure the subsequent attaining to maturity of a large percentage of individuals.

From Mr. J.C. Courts of Huntington, Tennessee, were received a scale carp (37211) and a mirror carp (37212), together with two very dangerous little enemies of the eggs and young carp ([[underline]] Leponis cyanellus [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Gambusia patruelis) [[/underline]].  The carp were introduced by the U.S. Fish Commission.

Mr. R.J. Donaldsen sent from Georgetown, South Carolina, two mirror carp (37050), a result of introduction similar to the preceding.

Mr. William E. Stuart, of Washington, D.C., forwarded to the museum a Maine salmon, [[underline]] Salmo salar [[/underline]], weighing 9 1/2 pounds, which was caught at Indian Head, Potomac River, June 16, 1885.  This is supposed to have resulted from U.S. Fish Commission efforts.  The skin