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[[image: embossed domed building, words illegible - left top margin]]

attention was given to seining around the outlying mangrove keys and large numbers of fishes were taken.  These have not yet been studied, but they include many species of [[underlined]] Labridæ, Balistidæ, Gerridæ, Pristipomatidæ, Serranidæ[[/underlined]] and other West Indian families.  In the Tampa Bay region, also, large collections were made from the shore. At Pensacola the shores were not much investigated, but the trawl was very active on the Red Snapper banks.  In the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the [[strikethrough]]Missippi[[/strikethrough]] Mississippi and Cedar Keys, rich returns were obtained from the trawling and some very important additions to the deep-sea fauna will be announced as a result of that work.  In the deep waters of the Caribbean Sea a great deal was accomplished for the collection.  Around the west side of Cozumel Island the seine was hauled as frequently as the rough nature of the bottom permitted and we secured 57 species of fishes,