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[[underlined]] Pacific Ocean [[/underlined]]
1856. Capt. Rodgers. Pacific Coast.
1867. W. H. Dall, North Pacific
1869. Capt. C. M. Scammon.
1874. U. S. Navy. Bureau of Navigation. U. S. Str. Tuscarora. Comr. G. E. Belknap. Revilligigedo Ids.
1875. U. S. Navy. Bureau of Navigation. U. S. Str. Tuscarora.
1885. Dr. W. H. Jones, U. S. N., Galapagos & Chatham Ids.
1874. U. S. Navy. Bureau of Navigation. U. S. Str. Nanagansett. Comr. Geo. Dewey. collections of Surgeon William Evers. Palmyra and other Polynesian Ids.