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Colbert and Harrison et al sparkle in Aren't We All?

[[image - color photograph of the cast Aren't We All?]]
[[photograph credit]] Martha Swope [[/photograph credit]]
[[caption]] The cast of Aren't We All? Clockwise: George Rose, Jeremy Brett, Lynn Redgrave, Claudette Colbert, Rex Harrison [[/caption]]

You'll not find a more practiced pair of sophisticates the world over than the two currently at the Brooks Atkinson, dispensing that long-mislaid, but mercifully not lost, commodity called charm. Rex Harrison and Claudette Colbert, to name Names, have, between the two of them, put in more than a century of charming audiences into submission and adoration. Their franchise is holding up just fine, too, thank you, in view of the way they artlessly skate through Frederick Lonsdale's vintage fluff, Aren't We All? They make it look as easy as breathing in. No strings, no mirrors, just skill. Their OScars may be 30 years apart - hers for 1934's It Happened One Night, his for 1964's My Fair Lady - but their sense of humor and style couldn't be more compatible. 

Odd they never coupled cinematically - and strange, considering the rarefied stratosphere of sophistication where both operated so successfully for so many years. Both have had their shot at Blithe Spirit, but in different mediums; he was Caesar and she was Cleopatra, but in different decades. Preston Sturges got crackerjack showings from them, but in different comedies (The Palm Beach Story, Unfaithfully Yours). It wasn't until 1978, in The Kingfisher, that they finally got around to clinking champagne glasses. As a couple of old-flames rekindling after a cooling-off period of half a century, they gave off enough sparks on Broadway to activate William Douglas Home's fragile antic into a runaway hit. Indeed, the fact of the casting qualified as a major theatrical event and was 
by Harry Haun


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[[image - color photograph of two men and two women standing in front of a water fountain enjoying a True 100]]
[[caption]] This True We Like. [[/caption]

[[image - color photograph of two packs of True 100's]]


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Transcription Notes:
ballyhooed entered in full on succeeding page