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[[images: six black and white photos of scenes from the performance of Grind]] 
Photos by Martha Swope and Van Williams.

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[[image: color photo of two cocktails: a Bloody Mary and white rum on the rocks]]
One great act after another.
Act 1. The perfect overture. Smooth Puerto Rican white rum on the rocks.
Act 2. Raise the curtain on taste. A Bloody Mary made special with Puerto Rican white rum.

Whether you mix it with your favorite mixer or enjoy it in a solo performance, Rums of Puerto Rico have a smoothness and dryness that give cause for applause. 
Aged for smoothness and taste. 

[[image: color photo of two cocktails: a Screwdriver and white rum and tonic]] 
Act 3. The white rum Screwdriver, a real show stopper. 
Act 4. The grand finale, the refreshing Puerto Rican white rum and tonic. 