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Green. 58 √

[[9 column table]]

Richard J. Williams | Merchant | White | 38 | NC | 38 yrs | Maj. Compton | Snow Hill | --- |

Geo. Beeman | Planter | [[ditto for white]] | 40 | [[ditto for NC]] | 4 [[ditto for yrs]] | --- | "[[ditto for Snow Hill]] | --- |

Sidney A Busby | [[strikethrough]] Preacher [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Teacher [[/insertion]] | Colored | 24 | [[ditto for NC]] | 1 [[ditto for yrs]] | --- |"[[ditto for Snow Hill]] | --- |

Sanders P. Cox | Planter | White | 58 | [[ditto for NC]] | 6 [[ditto for yrs]] | --- | Speights Bridge | --- |

James S. Smith | [[ditto for Planter]] | [[ditto for White]] | 23 | [[ditto for NC]] | 6 [[ditto for yrs]] | --- | Hookerton | ---|

Hardy Spears | Blk Smith | Colored | 49 | [[ditto for NC]] | 1 [[ditto for yrs]] | --- | Snow Hill | --- |

Luke Shephard | Carpenter. | [[ditto for Colored]] | 32 | [[ditto for NC]] | 32 [[ditto for yrs]] | --- | "[[ditto for Snow Hill]] | --- |

Transcription Notes:
I'm double spacing between entries to help with readability; entries seem to continue over double-page spread, and I wonder if these should be transcribed as two separate pages or as a single page in order to keep the information together. (I'm sending a question in to SI about this.) -- Beth I think transcribing as a single page would help with readability. I changed the headings on this page to reflect headings on similar tables I've been transcribing. (See Register of Registrars Vol. 2., Page 15 for an 8 column example.) Of course, that means adding the 3 columns from page 2 to make it just a 1 page, 8 or 9 column table. I'd already completed most of the Vol. 2 headings before reading your note about submitting the question to SI. Will want to learn what response you receive. Thanks.--Jlch Yes, this page should be treated as a single page. Thanks for checking Beth. Transcription Team.