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The names checked so, √ in Red Ink are Colored men. they are all men of good standing and sense, but cannot read or write sufficiently well, nor have they the business tact, to be of much use to the Boards of Registration.

The Precincts left blank, are left so as no suitable persons could be found for them up to this time. The Precincts with only one or two names are left so, as no more persons could be found who resided within their limits, who could take the Oath of Office or were otherwise qualified.

If only one, two, or three Boards of Registration are required, I would suggest the following names & Boards in their order of capacity, ability &c, and I would state here, that Thos. A Norment, an old resident of the County, and Chairman of the County Court of Robeson Co, N.C. joins with me in the recommendation, he is a strong Union man & a Republican, he is however disfranchised from the fact that he was a Magistrate before & during the War.

The following names you will find on the list herewith, and they are the best selection that can be made out of it. they are all white men and strong for the Union, and were so during the War.