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Lumberton N.C. May 20th 1867

I hereby certify that all the within names meet my approval as good and reliable Union men with the exception of Mr Warwick with whose political sentiments I am not acquainted.

[[signature]] James Sinclair [[/signature]]
EH Agent, Bureau of R.F.&A.L. for Sub Dist Robeson

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I also approve the recommendation of the three white Boards, knowing them personally, and believe they are as good as we can get for Registrators under the circumstances. As to the colored persons I am unacquainted with all except one or two, and do not know anything of their qualifications. As to Mr Warwick named above he is entirely qualified, and one of the strongest Union men in the County.

Lumberton May 20, 1867
[[signature]] Thos A Norment [[/signature]]
Chn County Court
Robeson County