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Names of suitable persons nominated by Cap't Allan Rutherford Sup't Bu R F and A. L. for the Southern District of North Carolina, to act as Registers of Election for the County of [[underlined]] Bladen [[/underlined]] North Carolina.

[[2 column table]]
Name | Remarks

J. C. Abbott | aged about 40, was a Col and Bvt Brig Genl. New Hampshire Vols, is a large land owner in Bladen County, has lived here about 2 years

Fred F French | age 25 years a Northern Man and of sound Union sentiments  has lived in this state about 2 years

A. W. Fisher | age about 35, was a Captain in Veteran Reserve Corps U.S.A.  is a land owner in this County 

J. E. Eldridge | age about 35 years. was a Captain in Vermont Vols. is a land owner in this County