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Granville County
North Carolina

Articles of agreement made and agreed upon this the 10th day of September Eighteen hundred and sixty five, between L. B. Allen of the one part, and Haywood Thomas (freedman) of the other part, as follows: Said Haywood Thomas for the considerations hereinafter mentioned doth covenant and agree to live upon the lands  of ^[[insertion]] said [[/insertion]] L B Allen from the first day of ^[[insertion]] Dec [[/insertion]] 1865 to the first day of December (1866) Eighteen hundred and Sixty six upon conditions to wit: Said Haywood Thomas agrees and binds himself to prepare and cultivate a farm on the lands of and under the direction of said L.B. Allen, working on said farm his (said Haywood Thomas) daughters Leah Helen, Martha, and his sons Haywood, Spencer and Dorsey, and other younger members of his family, and furthermore binds himself to employ his sons Jordan Thomas, Furney Thomas and Henry Thomas to assist him, (said Haywood Thomas) in cultivating said farm. Said 
L.B. Allen agrees to give said Haywood Thomas one half of the corn, half the fodder, half the cotton, half the peas, half the potatoes, half the coleworts, and [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] half the sorghum, made by said Haywood Thomas.