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Said ^[[insertion]] Haywood Thomas [[/insertion]], promises and agrees to furnish (10) Ten barrels of corn, and (2000) Two Thousand pounds of fodder, for the support of each horse worked on the farm, promised to be cultivated by said Haywood Thomas. Said Haywood Thomas further agrees to pay said L. B. Allen a fair compensation for all labor he the said L. B Allen may be or cause to be done, on the farm promised to be cultivated by said Haywood Thomas. Said Haywood ^[[insertion]] Thomas [[/insertion]] further agrees and promises to aid in harvesting the crop of wheat and oats, which may be growing on the lands of said L.B. Allen in the year 1866, for the pay of a half a bushel of wheat per day for his labor, and agrees also to aid in hauling, stacking, and housing said crop of wheat and oats gratis. And agrees too to furnish said L.B. Allen a washerwoman one day in the week during the year 1866, and still further agrees to assist L B Allen in ginning cotton and sundry other things, pertaining to the keeping up, and carrying on of a farm.

Said L.B. Allen binds, and obligates himself to furnish horses, and all necessary implements for the proper carrying on ^[[insertion]] and [[/insertion]] the cultivation of the farm agreed to be cultivated by said Haywood Thomas.