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The followering are the terms of contract between David Barlow of the County of Edgecombe N.C. and the freed men of his farm, begining the ^[[insertion]] 1st Jan [[/insertion]] year 1866. ending Jan 1st 1867. 

1st Promp and cheerful obedience to the manager will be required.

2nd any stealing of farming, implements, stock, Poultry or provisions crops or anything else belonging to estate will be punished by immediate discharge, by retaining of back wages, and by report to the nearest magistrate or freed men's agent.

3rd Drunkness, cursing, and swearing in the presence of manager or of his family, and quarreling and fighting, are forbidden. 

4th Lost or destruction of implements or damage to stock willfully done will be made good out of the wages of the party so offending.

5th The employee's will be expected to perform creerfully any kind of plantation labor, that may be required of them, without extra pay unless for extra quantity of work done.

6th The time to begin and leave off work will be made known by some signal from the manager, night work will not be required unless by some pressing emergency. From the 1st of May to 1st August, the hands will be required to be at their work before sun rise, and work until after sun sets. They will be allowed two hours in the heat of the day to take dinner: During the ballance of the year they will be required to be at their work, as soon as they can see well, allowed one hour to take dinner and work as long as they can see, except such as may be necessary to attend to stock on farm