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over the farm and manage it by his own judgement during the cultivation of the crop and he is to direct all labor outside of crop season under the instruction of the said E D. The garden he is to pitch and plow with field hands but the regular hoe work is to be done by the house servants. It shall be the duty of said Rufus to make arrangement among his farm hands to attend to the stock of all kinds and to the supervision of the farm during all Sundays and holidays from one January to the other but the cows and extra horses shall be in charge of the lot servants.

In return for the obdient sirvices of the said Joe and Rufus they are to receive one third of all the produce of the farm including cotton as above noted and excluding all stock and fowls as above — and they are to receive one hundred and fifty dollars conditioned as above. One of the three plow horses or mules is to be the property of said Rufus at his risk but fed and worked as the others on the farm and he the said Rufus is to pay for the said horse or mule out his part of the crop at the end of the year 1866. Any additional land rented the rent must be paid before a devision of the crop. 

In witness where of we do here set our hands and seals the day and year above written

[[signature]] E. D. Macnair [[/signature]] Seal
Rufus his X mark Tannahill Seal
Joe his X mark Macnair Seal

In presence of
John S Duggan 

E D McNair

January 1. 1866