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Ther.   SUN. APRIL 16, 1905    Wea. [[/preprinted]]
To break. with Scofield Marnie & Anto. W came after walk with S. and Fuller and to his room he came back and I lunched alone and nap and to Cabots.  To sup with M. and back here.

Ther.   MONDAY 17    Wea. [[/preprinted]]
Fitz. and stopped in afternoon.  Lunch. here got hot to 98. Trimmed hat when in - and then went to Blakes to dinner home at nine. No one came.

Ther.  TUESDAY 18    Wea. [[/preprinted]]
Painted on Fitz background and job off for G. 12.40 Lunch in OT.  Found two nice Lads by fire at [[underlined]] Red Roof [[/underlined]] and A.P.A. good for a while. upstairs.  Boys helped get table ready etc. Some came late. Din very late.  [[?]] iron after. A.P.A [[underlined]] gloves [[/underlined]].  Pretty nice.  Sleep at R.R.
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[[preprinted]] Ther.   WED. APRIL 19, 1905    Wea. [[/preprinted]]
 [[underlined]] Red Roof [[/underlined]]. girls in distress first.  Break. broken all late.  Saw Swinson about paths.  A.P.A. Consulted.  Photos on wreck.  down M. J. down. J.B. walked back with me. Clam Bake and to see Cumings.  Late to dinner.  A moment in carriage & A.P.A. asked me for Pudding, Annie B into with dinner there.  Geo. D. tel.

Ther.  THURSDAY 20  Wea. [[/preprinted]]
Fitz & Morss. Lunch here. and wrote note. Lathrop came and I could not see but asked for tomorrow dinner. Blakes to dinner and they back with me.

Ther.  FRIDAY 21   Wea. [[/preprinted]]
King and lunch there sent for M. dressed and went to Cummings back at five & not Cosgrove shower - Came in to tea. was driving alone Geo Dorr  Could a com all.  Lathrops a & T. dinner here and to Cathedral with him.  3 [[underlined]] wonderful hours [[/underlined]].