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Ther.   FRI. APRIL 28, 1905    Wea.
Doyles town [[/underlined]].]]
[[blank lines]]

Ther.   SATURDAY 29    Wea.
[[blank lines]]

Ther.  SUNDAY 30    Wea.
^[[Boston. 9.30.]]
[[blank lines]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Ther.   MON. MAY 1, 1905    Wea.
^[[Working on Fitz back. ground.  Lunch here afternoon Morss. Calif & [[S?grth]] came. Blakes To dinner.]]
[[blank lines]]

Ther.  TUESDAY 2  Wea.
^[[King - Lunch There and to Gloucester 2.15.  Saw Garland no dinner - Fitz friends all came to see the picture - applause per minnie -]]
[[blank lines]]

Ther.  WEDNESDAY 3   Wea.
^[[Lunch here Morss and with friends to dinner Fair. n. mild.]]
[[blank lines]]
