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Aunt E. & Cuz J. [[underlined]] drove [[/underlined]]
Ther. SAT. OCT 7, 1905  Wea.
^[[Lymans came to see Cuz J. Long day. Fairchild [[underlined]] finished Joe Smith [[/underlined]] at dinner time. Tel to A.P.A. & great farce in the St. Pope etc. 3 boys & 3. men.]]

Ther.  SUNDAY 8   Wea.
^[[Perfect day. [[strikethrough]] breakfast [[/strikethrough]] in cloister [[?]] A.P.A. & lads came. showed over.  Do. JS Harry & I to walk by way of tennis court.  A.P.A. to return rake, R.R after lunch. photo J. Morton at D's. J. & M eve.  J.S. read aloud. What a day.]]

Ther.  MONDAY 9   Wea.
^[[J. & I. last bath [[underlined]] cold [[/underlined]] water warm sun - Harry & Joe left.]]

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[[start page]]

Ther.  TUES. OCT. 10, 1905   Wea.
^[[D. Davidges & I all to Boston. Saw off. N Hill in train.  back alone. walked over - bed early. [[strikethrough]] hard [[/strikethrough]] ]]

Ther.  WEDNESDAY 11  Wea.
^[[ [[strikethrough]] [[Spent dat with Wylie after going to L. House [[/strikethrough]] 
Getting ready all A M. for Bradley & Williams - They came lunch. nice time. Hard rain storm in night.]]

Ther.  THURSDAY 12   Wea.
^[[Splendid morning. Walked to L. House. Then Wylie all day packing. Aunt Fanny and Fairchild. Harry came to supper - nice eve with him-]]