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[[preprinted]] Ther. Tues. Oct. 31, 1905 Wea [[preprinted]

^[[Work. Work. Work & at 4 H.C.G. and I left Green Alley - I to Blakes with cold. Sad & cold leaving.

[[preprinted]]Ther . Wednesday, Nov. 1 Wea.[[/preprinted]]
Sick with cold to Blakes. In bed all day - & Dr Rockwell. Notes etc for H.C.G.

[[/preprinted]]Ther. Thursday 2 Wea [[/preprinted]]
Still in bed but up to lunch, and down to dinner  Saw H.G.

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[[preprinted]]Ther.  Fr. Nov. 3, 1905 Wea[[/preprinted]]
At one to I. S.  got in 6.30. Found Aunt Julia at G's and very much. Clemens. no R. till 11.30. Then peace. I behind door. D. slept with me. v

[[preprinted]]Ther. Saturday 4 Wea[[/preprinted]]
Very late getting up  Cold. ran around with D. to Daniells and at 3 to de Kays met Mme Modjiska  4.30 to [[underlined]] Bethlehem
[[/underlined]]. Dear party at Supper Table. All but C.

[[preprinted]]Ther  Sunday 5 Wea [[/preprinted]]
In [[underlined]] Bethlehem [[/underlined]] To church. Drive with G. & Aunt E. Nap - and to chapel Y M.C.A.  Bishop Talbot. Supper gay [[?]] & H. and sang in eve.
Dear little Aunt E.]]

Transcription Notes:
Clemens would be Mark Twain