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[[preprinted]] Ther.   SUN. DEC 24, 1905    Wea.[[/preprinted]]
^[[ [[strikethrough]] Drew [[/strikethrough]] Still mis with. cold.  Spent A M. writing to Terence.  To lunch at Mrs J. Grays.  lovely time  Sat by Robt Grant.  Talk with B. Wendell after, Back here but no one came. till 6.45.  Welldon to dine - nice time Pilgrims Scrip.  He to N. Y.]]

[[preprinted]] Ther.   MONDAY 25    Wea.[[/preprinted]]
^[[ [[underlined]] Xmas [[/underlined]].  Break with Joe Smith's en haut.  Mrs Gardner. I, no.  TT for few minutes - at lunch to Coolidges, lovely time  Sturgis Bigelow - Back here [[strikethrough]] but no one [[/strikethrough]] Mrs John Elliot came I went to Blakes to dinner, nice time Sat by Old Mr Hill.]]

[[preprinted]] Ther.  TUESDAY 26    Wea. [[/preprinted]]
^[[To Walpole.  Charley not much good.  Lunch there.  Rest more and H. at tea time, nice visit - Dinner here, been asked to Gardners Play-]]

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[[preprinted]] Ther.   WED. DEC. 27, 1905    Wea.[[/preprinted]]
^[[Walpole.  Charley.  not good, Stayed all day.  Nice time with Billy by fire.  To Blakes to dinner after. & home early to bed songs from H.S.D and present fr Dorothea.]]
[[blank lines]]

[[preprinted]] Ther.  THURSDAY 28  Wea. [[/preprinted]]
^[[To Walpole.  Edith not good. . . Milk & finished lacrete on bread & cheese.  Rest and Ellis Curtis called Working till dressed for Elliotts dinner 7.45. wore blk lace.  Ellen Hooper, Ellen Coolige George Dorr. Henry Marshall good.]]

[[preprinted]] Ther.  FRIDAY 29   Wea. [[/preprinted]]
^[[Walpole.  [[strikethrough]] Chandler [[/strikethrough]] Edith bad & very black  - Back at 1.30 with Miss Child & Two.  rest and no one came.  aT. To Schofields  to dinner. Grant not with him - Church and on - but lay awake with anxiety?-]]