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[[preprinted]] Ther.   SAT. DEC. 30, 1905    Wea.[[/preprinted]]
^[[Went in terror to Walpole  Charley's hand.  Glorious working over it.  Went to Scho.  Took canvas off str.  Tea in big room - Back at 6.  Walter Bradly had been here -. Geo. Dorr.  Came for few minutes.  Blakes to din.  Bed early.]]

[[preprinted]] Ther.   SUNDAY 31    Wea.[[/preprinted]]
^[[Giamplati called went to Kings about photo.  Wrote and out again.  Called on Miss Adams and lunched here.  Nap and made visits Newsleplain.  The Robinsons.  Mrs Smith & little King called - dined here alone - and was upstairs at Smiths when A.P.A came at 9.30.  Good visit just back.  Thanked for cups. proposed Gloucester . . . .]]

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^[[Jan 1st 1906
[[preprinted]] MEMORANDA [[/preprinted]]

To Walpole - C's bags.  Back at.1.30. lunch there.  Rest and to Parker's with A. Blake.  Miss Murray.  Garlic soup.  .Lina Hardy sent candy to Elliot's Mr Coolidges birthday dined there - surprise. gave Marrons he came home with me.  Very nice.

[[underlined]] Jan 2 [[/underlined]].
Wondered about G. and telephone to A.P.A - decided not.  Shopped and lunch at train - Let from Geo. Doer - asking for dinner & theatre - Okakara's party - 3.  bags & lillies - Mr Swert at 5.30 to see about John Paul J. portrait.  Din at Blakes - home early.