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I must put down here immediately an experience which I had yesterday and which remains very clearly marked in my mind.  I went to turn in the motor.  Down upon the avenue with someone we passed a very pretty girl who smiled (it seemed to me) but did not [[bow?]] to my companion.  I had a distinct feeling, first of surprise, then of resentment.  Got up at the house and had a chill; had not felt cold before, and suddenly realized that exactly the same thing had happened before.  Do not know when, nor can I remember anything else about it.

It has taken a long time for my mind to get around to the bas-relief of Pasteur which is to appear on the pedestal of my group.  Now however my mind faces is, is ready to take it up.  I begin to see lines, the noble pose begins to fill my mind.  A man erect and full of sentiment stands in the back of my brain.  His carriage is indicative of that power in him.  The folds of his apron fall in Greek lines showing the feeling of his body.  It is all feeling.  Just the turn of his head, just the gesture of his hand, the curve of his neck.  I know it will come now.  I know that he will be the best part of the group, because