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going to get to know them well."

"Oh a few," he answered "[[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] you will get to know very well." He laughed not unpleasantly.

"It's not one I want to get to know well," I said shaking my head. "It is a great many."

"I know just the men who will be your friends," he began after a little denying my assertion, "because I know, I think what you care for. If they like you they will let themselves out to you. I don't think you will ever really like society"
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We spoke some more of this and I felt at the time he was sincere. He gave me a little glimpse into himself whether purposely or not I do not know. He made me feel that after all lots of the people who apparently cared only for the outside of things in reality cared for what lay beneath. He gave me more faith in men than I have had for a long time. I wish I could tell him so. I feel now as I have never felt before about certain things. Now that I feel sure there is an