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said, "you will attract her attention".

"I don't believe ^[[anyone]] could [[strikethrough]] put my [[/strikethrough]] ^[[exert their]] full power over [[strikethrough]] her [[a person]] without looking at them" he said studying the table cloth.

"Well try at any rate".  For not more than a minute at the very most we were silent.  Mr. Sands, his head down his eyes on Miss Sloane's face was a [[strikethrough]] picture [[/strikethrough]] study.  I watched first him then her.  Suddenly she put down the fork with which she was eating and put both hands up to the pin on her dress.  I turned to Mr.
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Cottenet and in a stage whisper [[strikethrough]] announced [[/strikethrough]] ^[[exclaimed]]:  "Look accross the table.., Miss Sloane!  Miss Slone!".  She is not a nervous kind of girl who plays with this that and the other, and she had not once touched the pin, for I had been watching her all through dinner.  She unfastened it, slipped it out and that was all, but it was enough.  I turned to Bobbie Sands and for a second simply looked at him my mouth open, my feelings in my face.  He laughed.

"It was nothing" he said