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The night on the Electra I did not see B. Sands alone as I had hoped, but he asked if I would be in the next day Sunday and as I said "yes", he called.  Before that Mr. Norrie came in and we had a much nicer talk than I thought possible with him.  He stayed about three quarters of an hour and as he had asked for me I saw him in the little room on the left of the door.  He had hardly left before G. Griswald came and after we had talked a quarter of an hour B. Sands appeared.
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They stayed together 15 more minutes then Mr Griswald left and B. Sands stayed on.  He told me a lot about himself, his school days, his college days and then he proposed our going for a walk.  I was willing so we went for a little while, and, it was almost seven when we came back.  He asked me for the Cotillion at the Goclet's.

Tuesday, C Sands had asked if he might call late and he came at about six and stayed till quarter past seven.  It was one of the nicest