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glad, very, but that is all.  No not quite, if he were here he would fascinate me again, even more than he did before, I am sure of that.  That is if he wanted to.  There are other people I care about more when we are not together, but if I were talking to him alone, that old feeling would come up again.  I was never a bit in love with him, you must not think that.  But I liked to be with him better than with anyone else, he made me feel differently.  Now, I wonder how it would be.  His eyes are the most, or almost the most attractive I have ever seen.  There are
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three other sets of eyes that are attractive besides his to me.  These are Howard Cushing's, they are so cold & distant.  Mo Taylor's they are so warm & true, and Lloyd Warren's they are so deep and changeable.  R. Ronalds are passionate, tender, but they might be false, I wish they were true.

[[strikethrough]] September [[/strikethrough]] October 3d 1894.

This morning at quarter to eleven I started off and walked by the cliffs to Baley's Beach.  When I got there there were 3 or 4