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first and then to go to New York.  It will be nice getting back for some reasons, but I am very sorry the autumn is over.  If I had only not been sick this week Mo & I might have had some of the most delightful rides and walks.  I am terribly disappointed about it as I was looking forward to the last week here.  Mo has been so nice lately.  That is he was especially nice the last time I saw him, the 8th.  He was going away till Tuesday & he would have given anything to get out of it.  He said how hard it was to go, not
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as Mo usually says things.  Anyway he never says things unless he means them.  And he acted as if it were really hard.  Of course I said I was awfully sorry and wish he could stay etc, but at last he did say "good bye" after a very nice long talk and off he went.

Saturday I received from New York a beautiful box of flowers from him, an enormous bunch of violets just like some I had seen when he was there and that Mr Stewart had sent me a few days before.  He wrote in a card he wished he were in Newport & hoped I would