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very well lately. He sent you last week a box of some kind, I don't know exactly what it was, but it was a handsome present & for your bureau. He also asked you to do something with him, go to the theatre, or dinner or something. There is another man who is studying law & who likes you very much. You are connected with horses in your life. You will always be well off. You will be very happy in your married life. You will marry very young. You will have two proposals very soon. You will be married in a year from
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now. There is a lady who is very fond of you and would do anything for you. You are a lady that has a great many beaux, but you must be careful, you are very jealous & men are terrible deceivers. You will be a young widow and then will marry again. You will not be very strong after you are first married. You do not care very much for children and though you could have a great many you will not want more than two. [[strikethrough]] This [[/strikethrough]] I think you are really engaged to the medium man, he is not tall, not as tall as you are but he loves you very much. All your