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What do you mean by looking so wise?

Oh, well I guess you know as well as I do. What did your family say to this?

Notice, no card was sent. Ah me, the carryings on of young people nowadays.

Also notice Mr Sands sent other flowers with a card.

Yes, yes I see.

We landed Wednesday morning came on in the 11 o' clock train to London reaching there at 3.30. That afternoon Mama and I wandered about the streets and went to the Grafton Gallery which was very poor, and in the evening went to see Gentleman Joe. Yesterday we came on to Paris.

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[[underlined]] March 10th 1895. [[/underlined]].

We had only one day in Paris. Friday evening at 7.45 we left on the train for Nice. That's when I did [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] my writing. We had the whole of a sleeping car (really for 18 people) for which Papa payed 3,000 francs. At 8.30 the next morning we had coffee brought into the car. Gladys and I had a double room together which was very nice. At 10.30 we stopped at Marsailles where we got out and had dejeunér. The scenery was lovely all about here, the hills on one side, the Mediterranean on the other.