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[[underlined]] March 23d 1895. [[/underlined]]

We might just as well be in New York for all I tell you about my travels. Its disgraceful one would think I was not interested in all I see, I am most deeply interested. I love sight seeing and read the guide books and look at the objects with care and appreciation. To prove this to you from memory I will tell you what I saw yesterday. Eve drove through the streets of Florence, which are disappointing They are as a whole not narrow enough to make them very odd and interesting or on a grand enough scale to make them in any way imposing. Its true the people are farther advanced in civilization than the Genoaise
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for instance, they don't their possessions out of the windows, but as far as I am concerned it takes away from their picturesqueness. The Church of St. Croce (Cross) is on a square of the same name which has a statue of Dante erected 1865. Its imposing looking but the facade being new does not prepare you for what you find within. The Church itself is really very old. On first entering you are struck with the bareness of it all. Great whitewashed walls meet what appears to be beams of grey wood. The columns seem to be the same and except for their shape there does not seem to be much to admire. The wall on either