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led to our talking ^[[& laughing]] about last years bathing. We spoke of Adèle's engagement, he asked about it, and a few more things and then I felt I [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] go. He said again how sorry he was about not having seen me more & spoke of lunching with him in his studio and I said - till Newport then, and we shook hands & I left. - - -

Yesterday when I went in to breakfast I saw lying by my plate a letter addressed in Mr. Sands handwriting & [[underlined]] without [[/underlined]] a stamp. For a second I thought "Perhaps he is in London."

Mama & Papa were in the room and watching me.
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"That letter came this morning" said Papa, "in another envelope marked "Immediate and Important" and I had to give a receipt for it"

"Yes," said Mama, "some one must have brought it over and taken it to Browns Hotel, where it is addressed, and found you were not there, so sent it here."

"Who is it from?" asked Papa.

"Why," said I innocently, "it looks like Mr. Sands handwriting. Let me see." And I tore it open, though it was [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] thick.

At this moment something was passed to me, and I