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put the letter down on the table to help myself.

"Yes lets see", said Mama and took it up and proceeded to tear open the envelope. I looked on for a second. She seemed to be doing more than look at the signature and I was angry.

"Here, I can look," I said.

Still she did not give it to me. How was I to know what was in it!

"I suppose I have a right to read my own letters," I said. By this time she had turned to the last page-

"Yes it is Mr Sands," she said and handed the letter to me.
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It was twelve pages and full of New York news, just as I expected. Most interesting and well written. You will find it among my letters. It was apparently written to be read by anyone - even Mama. If she had not taken it from me, I should most likely have shown it to her, but then - All she has said about it since is - Later in the morning when were out together she asked - "Was it a letter like the other you had a short time ago."

"No, no of course not," I said "it was just New York news."