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called. Mr Cushing and R. Ronalds were talking to me. Two men were talking to Mama when I heard the man announce "Mr Sands." I don't know what Mr Cushing was saying. I know he was talking and I was apparently listening. Mr Sands shook hands with Mama first who was by the tea table. I was off in the middle of the room. We shook hands. He was pale, I don't know what I was. One of the men with Mama left, Mr Sands joined that group  More people came and

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after a while he came back to where I was. And we sat like this. 1 - table, 2 W. Sheiffelin, 3 R. Sands 4 R. Ronalds 5. J. Laurence. Then  [[diagram showing people 2-5 sitting in a circle by table 1]] gradually they left, until only 4 & 5 remained. The end of it was I did not see Mr Sands a minute alone. The next night at the Opera he came late in the evening and we talked through an act. I had time to tell him about the letters and how they had arrived. He was very much amused about the