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[[underlined]] April 19th 1895. [[/underlined]]

The Gerry dinner -
I put on an adorable new pink and green dress, wore a bunch of violets in the front of my dress and left the house at ten minutes past eight. As soon as I got in the room W. Whitehouse and Mo came up and talked to me. Mo took me in to dinner. Mr Sands stood by the door as we passed and bowed. Dinner was very enjoyable. Mo and I got on beautifully as usual.  After dinner Mr Sands came to me. I knew what I almost knew before now and I am in such a state that positively it would not take

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much to make me break down. Mabel Gerry drove with me this afternoon and we were talking about men in general and how girls should treat them when they are devoted (I hate that word.) I don't know what to. Positively and truly I don't know what is going to happen. Or perhaps I know only too well. I am just waking up to the fact that I am being led into doing a very unkind thing. To let a man propose when he has shown you in a thousand ways that he loves you and then throw him over is to say the least unkind. Conclusion - you must stop it this minute!