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heartless enough to cause him more pain than is absolutely necessary.  I believe he loves me truly.  I know it.  I saw it in his eyes, and his nature is a deep and passionate one, so he loves with all his strength.  Its too late to change that now, only the sooner you let him see its hopeless for him the better.  Will he have the right to accuse you of encouraging him?  I can say I thought it was friendship, but well - I did up to a certain point and I did'nt know my own mind.  If the worst comes to the worst I will tell him all.  But that would give him hope.  No, I will say I once thought I might care, I found out it was impossible.
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But if you thought [[underlined]] once [[/underlined]] you might care could'nt you think so again?  No never.  That would be my final answer and it would make me feel so badly that - well that - nothing.  Its half past three I don't see why Mo does not come.  Oh Mo - the very idea of having him make love to me is abominable.  I could not stand it.  I could [[underlined]] never never love Mo. [[/underlined]] [[double underlined]] Never [[/double underlined]].  I wish all the world could see that last sentence and know it came from the bottom of my heart and also know that I could never marry without love.  I would'nt absolutely.  I wonder if Mr Sands came back to New York this morning or if he stayed over Sunday in Philadelphia.  If he