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forgot myself in watching the children.

[[underline]] April 28th 1895 [[underline]].

I will not dwell so on my own thoughts or feelings any more or there is no telling what will not happen.

Mr Sands came on Thursday.  Wait this week has been a nice one.  Monday I rode with [[strikethrough]] Mo late in the afternoon [[/strikethrough]] Mr Evans in the morning.  Tuesday with Mo late in the afternoon and missed Mr Evans who called.  Thursday Mr Sands came at quarter past six & stayed an hour.  It was really nice, Mama had gone up stairs. We got on very well, now its time for me to be very cold.
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Friday Mr Cottenet, Mr Whitehouse & Mr Evans came.  Mr Evans wanted ^[[me]] to make an appointment to ride also Mo, refused both.  Opera Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday matinee.

^[[See]] Page 46 - Mr Sands told me at the Gerry dinner that several people had noticed and said to him how well I looked that night at the Opera.  Better than [[underlined]] ever [[/underlined]] before in my life.  He said:  "When you stood there by the door waiting for the carriage", and it was just the time I was thinking of him and I met his eyes and he came over to me.  Strange was'nt it.  I suppose it was happiness, for I was happy