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I am desperately gone on Mr Appleton. Friday evening I dined with his sister Mrs Hoyt and he took me in. I happened to say something about being crazy to ride a bicycle and not being allowed to he offered to go off on a spree with me. In the evening he said, he would come for me in a handsome etc. We talked it over and had a lot of fun about it. I saw him last night at dinner. He is simply splendid, and the strange part of it all is that he really seems to be interested in me. I don't care about anyone else in the world at present. At the Beudens dinner he sent
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round a menu and made every one write their names on it. A few days ago he sent it to me framed! Thursday I got a most beautiful box of violets from Mr Sands and a letter in it written from Washington. Last night he still seemed to care. Mo cares more than he ever did I think because I am more indifferent. In fact if there is anyone else around I can't listen to what Mo is saying and am terribly absent minded. I wrote Mr Cottenet a little note telling him how I enjoyed my day in the country and he wrote back