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she realized it was only the wall, then she sighed and thought how foolish she was, and left the cold consolation of the wall to fall on her knees and pray.

[[underlined]] July 22d 1895 [[/underlined]].

I am terribly disappointed in Tina Winthrup.  Mr Sands had told me about her, how awfully nice she is and all that.  I had prepared to find sympathy between us, but I think there is little or none.  Nice she is decidedly, but attractive - no.  Perhaps I think too much about attractiveness but I know I care very
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much about whether I am attracted towards a person - I often imagine if I were a man how would this girl affect me and Tina does not satisfy anything in me, seen from this standpoint.  Charlotte Barnes does most decidly, Emily does a little not very much.  Ethel Irwin does not exactly, yet she might in time.  Ethel Kissam does a little.  Carrie Morgan does not never would.  Lila does [[underlined]] decidly [[/underlined]].  Sunday Mr Crowninsheild rode over from Stockbridge on his bicycle to see me.