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to five Mrs S. comes back to 2 West 52 St and finds Alice still with Mr Morris.  Naturally she is furious, but acts in this peculiar matter.  Leaves a note to be given to Alice, goes out of the back door and takes the train for Scarborough.  The note which Alice receives a few minutes later tells her to come to the train immediately.  Alice writes a letter to her Mother saying she has broken her promise and cannot give Mr Morris up and praying Aunt Maggie to come back.  This of course Mrs S. did not receive  Alice goes to the station to
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take the last train to Scarborough, misses it!  Goes to Mrs Hope, who has some people to dinner - takes Alice to the Hoffman House where she ^[[spends the night with]] Mr Morris.  The next morning A. goes to Mrs Hopes, sees Louise there.  She has promised Mr Morris that if her mother still refuses she will marry him.  After stormy interview [[?]] of Mr Morris telegraphs Alice her mother refuses.  So she goes off with him when he arrives at Mrs Hopes.  Mother comes later finds her gone.  She had written since her marriage