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very much. Was not exactly in love but cared a great deal. Now - well. It provokes me that is all. Perhaps I will marry him and be through with it. We could go off alone together and travel. He likes travelling I think, it would'nt be at all bad being alone with him. He is entertaining & amusing & then it would be nice just sitting by him. I would'nt even mind if he held my hand sometimes. The other night when were sitting on a small sofa together
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I thought it would be very nice if every one vanished and we were all alone and he said something nice & I stroked his arm just a little and then - well you know. It was terrible of me to think of it but I could'nt help it and I can imagine us going to Japan together and taking long railroad journeys alone together and stopping at little out of the way places where nobody knew us & where we could do just