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Tailor made dress, short skirt at say    $100.
Three pretty light shirts trimmed with lace at say $10. each =  $30.

[[underlined]] October 22nd 1895. [[/underlined]]

If my clothes come to this I don't see what I am going to do for gloves, hats etc. But let us hope I have overestimated. My income is $5,000 a year, and so far Mama has put $2500 to my account which is for winter things, the rest for summer. We are going down to Biltmore for
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Christmas this year and that is I believe very much the sort of place this is (Hot Springs) so what I will want principally with me, short skirts and shirt waists. Suppose we go for a week how would this do to take.

Travel in black [[strikethrough]] serge [[/strikethrough]] cloth & shirt-waist
[[strikethrough]]Dark blue short skirt & jacket[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Black cloth jacket]]
Present golf dress
[[strikethrough]]Black simple new dress[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]Green new dress & cape[[/strikethrough]]
[[dashed line]]
[[strikethrough]]New tea gown &[[/strikethrough]]
Any number of shirt waists
[[strikethrough]]Two new evening dresses[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]White Empire evening dress[[/strikethrough]]
Pink silk. " " [[dittos for evening dress]]
^[[White silk]]
Fur jabot
Riding habit ^[[Green satin thin waists]]
Golf cape