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or give up for him. To think that I had ever supposed I was in love before! Ah me, we learn by experience. He was quiet scarcely saying anything and seeming very absent-minded. It cut me so, it almost killed me to see his absolute indifference to me. Evidently he was worried about some of his own business. We had always discussed things, I had gotten into the habit of telling him what I had done since we met before more from habit than anything else I told him about my visits the day before, the ball, the dinner I had been to,
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and it seemed to me he scarcely heard. At last just as I was in the middle of a little amusing story he interrupted as if he had not even known I was speaking.

"You are not feeling well," he said.

The indifference had gone out of his manner, oh he was polite, he was well brought up, he was just remembering himself.

I could have cried, but fortunately I had a little more self control than that and I smiled instead.

"You see I could'nt sleep last night that's all."

"I could'nt either," he said hurriedly and continued, "You