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heart for him. Friendship - and I loved him so!
He was serious to-day & only smiled a little at this, but said nothing. It was unlike him to be quiet. I went on talking. I can't tell you about what, I scarcely know, but it was of anything but ourselves. 

The horse he was riding shied after a while and brought him so near to me that our shoulders touched. This about made me lose my self control, he was in danger, and then he had touched me. I thrilled through & through [[strikethrough]]me[[/strikethrough]]. Then I feared the talk which was
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such an effort to me annoyed him and we rode on in silence.
"What are you going to do to-day?" he asked after a while.

We were out on the River Side by this time and the cold wind was blowing in our faces. It made him feel better. Oh if he had only told me what it was that worried him - I could have stood it better - but he ^[[did]] not even trust me! Suddenly a horse going rapidly in the opposite direction frightened my horse and she began to act badly. She plunged from side to side & finally as if mad set off at a gallop. I tried to quiet, to steady her