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(The name given by Fourier to the people living in the present epoch of the world's history.)
[Written by N. N. for THE PEOPLE.]

Some toil not, and spin not, know naught but their ease,
Feast at swell luncheons, then drop in at "teas,"
To feast soon again in select coteries,
E'er clothed in the latest that fashion decrees;
And the costumes? 'Tis certain a savage who sees
For the first time would stare at some Civilizees!

Some hunt, or play polo, or golf, as they please,
Or mount upon coaches, and, maybe, do seize
A handful of ribbons——the dare-devilees!
Some loll in their clubrooms (they're queer puppetees!)
Telling with relish of the young wife who flees
From husband to lover——Ah, Civilizees!

Some are lavish with money; why, lately the V——'s
Launched their fair daughter on society's seas;
When (and this at a time that biting winds freeze)
More than ten dozen (the Sun's figures these)
Rare nosegays that cost 'em five fivers apiece
Were sent this same damsel by Civilizees!

Some lie and some cheat in all shades and degrees,
While working the markets——gold, grains and coffees;
And yet there are mortals, say trusty trustees,
With righteousness blessed——behold Trinity's!
Some strive after millions, nay, would billions appease,
The mad thirst for dollars 'mongst Civilizees?

And are there no other? Live drones without bees?
Is it really all frolic, and taking one's ease?
Oh, yes; there are others, but a handful are these,
Who junket and gossip 'midst moral disease;
Yet a handful who manage to do as they please
With the lives of the rest of the Civilizees!

And the others are many; we'll call them workees:
They're good as pack horses (and good as rentees)!
But what is the sense of the pitiful pleas
That they and the wealthy and precious grandees
Are really all brother? Bah! the heathen Chinese
Might hark to such rubbish——we're Civilizees!

^[[from "the People"]]