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Blind Landing on Iwo Jima

January 2 - Was out with Lew Feldman and Ed White New Year's Eve and got glorously drunk but I had to catch the 6 a.m. train back to Dix.  We were expecting orders to move out and I was pretty lucky to get out for New Year's Eve.  Yesterday I hung around camp waiting for news but nothing came.  At three o'clock I said t'hell with it, nothing'll come until tomorrow anyway and grabbed the train back to N.Y.C. I no sooner had walked past the door of my home when the phone rang.  It was Lt. Spence and he advised me to get back to camp as soon as possible.  There was urgency in his voice and I made my hurried goodbys to the family.  (I hate these departures only because everyone, especially Mom, takes them so badly.)  I found Lt. Spence at the officer's club and we stood outside and talked.  He lectured me on leaving camp that day without permission and I went to bed.This morning (was it only this morning!) we were awakened early and told to get ready.  In all there were twenty four enlisted men and [[strikethrough]]on[[/strikethrough]] one officer: W.Stalla, Detroit, Mich., A. Soskin, Dtroit, Mich., J. Dragoo, Ft. Wayne, Ind., L. Bessa, Pittsburg, Pa., R. Bigley, Pittsburgh, Pa., J. Hillis, St. Paul, Minn., J.Jerome, Peoria, Ill. R. Katzaneck, Brooklyn, N.Y., A. Adamatis, Philadelphia, Pa., D. Andrews, Memphis, Tenn., R. Kulis, Rochester, N.Y., J.R. Walker, Moline, Ill., R.J. Walker, St. Albans, L.I., W. Mathis, Dallas, Texas, S. White, Albany, Geo., R. Williams, Nagadoches, Texas, C. Woodford, Sergeant Bluff, Iowa, J. O'Brien, Boston, Mass., R. Thomas, Lansing, Mich., F. Clarke,  Mil., Wis., N. Germoni, New York City, J. Delendeck, Boston,Mass.,