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pg. 2

R. Milne, Ponca City, Okla., Lt. D. Spence, Beaumont, Texas and the writer.

I made a little bundle of my personal clothing and entrusted it to Ed white with instructions to deliver it to my home the next time he went to New York.(A rather amusing incident occurred as a result of that bundle. The telling of that incident comes later in this narrative.) The remainder of our clothing was taken away except for [[strikethrough]] th[[/strikethrough]] what we wore. Still in the dark about our destination, we climbed into a bus waiting outside the barracks door and rode swiftly out to the air base. Out of the bus into the prop-turning C-47 we climbed and took off immediately.

We flew north. From my window I could see Brooklyn College below.It was 4:30 P.M. A few minutes later we landed at LaGuardia Field. I telephoned home and then phoned Elaine's house. She wasn't in but I said goodby to her mother.

At LaGuardia Field we split into two groups; the first one taking the five 0[[strikethrough]]9[[/strikethrough]]^[[']]clock plane. (The next twenty four hours were the most pleasent I had ever spent.)

When the airliner took off it was dusk and as we pointed west we could see the lights of New York and Newark below us with Philadelphia just a dull burning smudge on the horizon. The lights of the parkways below were like a sparking necklace around the neck of the land.

Transcription Notes:
General tips say that we should ignore indents for paragraphs.